Friday, August 26, 2011

What it looks like here

Out and about in Egegik isn't all dull like the pictures you see on Goggle when searching for Egegik show.  A quiet walk through town with the eye of a newbie can show the wonders of a small village that lies undisturbed for much of the year.  Those that are not here ask what it looks like, what I see and want to know more.  Those that are here all the time pass by wonders as if they have always been there.  (many might have been)  

The four-wheelers zip by all hours of the daylight, you know when the infamous liquor store is open, traffic seems to pick up a little.  We don't have the often thought of drunks (characterized by Alaska State Troopers on TV) around town.  If we do, I haven't seen them.  I see dogs chasing after their owners as they drive by in cars or on the ATV's, a friendly wave from just about everyone and the tide shifting every day where the ocean meets the river just out my window.

For now, these pictures.  Later, I'll catch you up on my week.  Enjoy!

Right in the middle of town, I'm not so sure this one has seen the water recently.  Pluto

Octagon house with a spectacular view that sits unfinished and has for years.  Sad really, it's beautiful! 
This guy was right outside my door yesterday.

Coastal scene, tide just about in, just before sunset.

I found a big tree!

And a little tree.  Yes, the only two trees I've seen!
Two grave sites overlooking the river/ocean

Fireweed.  Legend says when it blooms to the top, the six week countdown to winter begins

The school building.  My apt is the right hand portion.  Guest bedroom is that right-most window.  Any takers?

Old Faithful.  Yes, it's a Ford, Yes Matt, I'm sure you're happy!

Other side of the school, my bedroom window is the first, living room second.  Classrooms beyond the stairs.  Notice the yellowish pile near the walkway?  That's old bear poo.  Still no bear sightings though.


  1. I'm planning to take you up on the room offer. Didn't realize your apartment was attached to the school. Looks beautiful there.

  2. Mary, that sounds wonderful! I would love to have guests. The twin bed is comfortable, it's what I've been sleeping on while waiting for the mattress toppers to arrive. The couch is lovely too!
