Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Days to go

Well, the 6th day to go was so busy I didn't even have a moment to get on but I did see many of you in the evening for a "going away" party. It was a GREAT cover for the surprise birthday party for Eric. I thank all of you who made it possible. It was great to see everyone and the dual party was a success!

I finished the track clinic and visit in Seaside. Now to update the website for that! I think sometimes I put too much on my plate but it was nice to get away from home for a few more days and do something I love. Good news, my arms didn't hurt from throwing as much as I thought they were going to. The kids seemed to like the physio ball exercises I showed them at the end of day 2 and it was fun to watch them try some of them out. I remember feeling so silly and had to remind them that I made it look easy. Now, to remember to pack mind for Alaska!

Preperations for the party when I got home were in full swing and the next few hours were filled with moving and setting up all while ensuring that Eric didn't stop by Mom's. Meet me here, "Oh I got home a bit early and got what you were supposed to," "are you ready for summerfest?" It was fun to poke and prod him in the right directions and have it work. I'm not sure that I've ever really had something work like this and it's in huge part to everyone working together!

I got my free snow cone at Summerfest, saw the new "Monster" and walked with Jenn and Kathy. We came home and got ready to party.

Upon walking in, Eric was shocked to hear "Happy Birthday!" and he stood and you could see that his brain was working overtime trying to figure out what had just happened. That's when you know he was had. We had fun, a slip and slide was installed and the kids LOVED it! Word on the street is that some of the big kids took a turn too. (Ya, that's me on the left and my sister on the right) It was great to see everyone that showed up, catch up with a few people that I hadn't seen in awhile and feel the support and love from friends and family as we make a big life change here at home. Clementine Baseball was awesome! (though I doubt we'll ever get to play it again!)

I must have to say that it was a great day yesterday. A track clinic, a drive in my Jeep, Summerfest, and a wonderful party with friends and family that support us. Who would ask for more? Thank you all.

5 days and counting.....

Friday, July 29, 2011

What a drive that was!

Yesterday I took my fabolous Jeep for a drive. A long drive. 3 hours in fact. It wasn't supposed to be 3 hours but it ended up taking that long due to traffic, a truck that decided to crash into the side of a mountain with his trailer attached and some bridge construction.

The sun was hot, it was great but I think one side of my face and my arm got a little pinker than the rest of my body! I enjoyed the driving part of it, not the sitting in Portland traffic. I thought I had left early enough but as I rounded the corner on 217, BAM, parking lot. Ok, I can deal with this. It was the exhaust I was having a hard time with though. No top means I smell and inhale it all. Ok though, I was in my jeep and having a good day.

Then the signs started. The highway that I was to take later on was closed due to a crash. Do I risk it and hope they have it cleared or at least one lane open by the time I get that far or try to find a different route? It was way far along that route, I bet by the time I get there they have to get at least one lane open. Besides, I don't really know a different route! So, I chanced it. Good choice on my part as they did get one lane open and it was only about a 5 minute delay. He had smashed his truck up good, I hope they came out of it ok.

Then it was the road construction. Bridge work that had HUGE backups in both directions. I think I waited about 10 minutes but that was ok as it gave me time to let the Jeep rest, get my sweatshirt out and get it on as the cloud cover had rolled over and my goosebumps were quite large by that point! A quick 20 minutes from there and my ride was over.

Seaside and Gearhart are nice and the walk along a beach route to a nice little geocache was pleasent. The water was a bit cold but aside from that we had a good night. I slept like a rock and enjoyed a nice evening with a high school friend and a high school teacher.

Today we've done a track clinic that continues tomorrow morning. I threw shot put and discus for two hours while I helped out the local kids. (I'll keep you updated on just how sore I'm going to be tomorrow as it's already started!) Right now I sit and rest while I have a cup of hot chocolate and write a blog in downtown Seaside. I think it's time to enjoy some Geocaching and a little walk along the "Prom".

Enjoy. 7 days and counting.....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yesterday was productive to say the least. I think we got a TON done and my muscles agree with me.

I really feel that Eric is on the right path for school now, or at least he knows which direction he's going in. It's still going to take longer than what anyone would want it to but that's the life and we've got the time. He's got his degree changed, advisor changed, password figured out and now he's got to re-take a placement test and figure out what math class(s) he's going to start with. It was a good day but a long one at WOU, I think the best part might just have been Yang's!

We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home and picked up another tote. I think I'll have to mail just one more. Some stuff I won't need right away but things that do need to make it there. When we walked into the store, in a marked crosswalk mind you, some guy in a large truck just about hit us, he was driving too fast and made it all dramatic by stopping short when he had plenty of time as he was half-way across the lot when we started walking. THEN, he had the nerve to yell at me. WRONG IDEA. I didn't turn into the complete Wal-Mart psycho, pretty close though. All the pent up energy from yesterday's crazies started to boil over. "Go ahead and hit me, I'm in a freaking crosswalk, I'd LOVE the lawsuit!" He continued to yell in a mumbled fashion and I glared as I walked into the store with disbelief that it had really happened. Not only had he just about hit me, but my wonderful hubby as well. Eric turned to me and said, "he had Alaska plates on that truck, did you notice?" No, I was too busy trying to not get hit! And I don't care if they were Alaska plates darn it, he's in Oregon now.

That was time number two for the Alaska reminder, time number one was the ALASKAN painted on the back of a beer van in front of us. I think we might have gone a few days without the reminders but it's funny how you start to see them. I guess it might be like pregnant women who always start to notice all the other pregnant women. Do you think it might be because they are all in the baby section together?

The end to my day was a dinner with Charlene at Ixtapa, a couple of great hugs from friends and then picking up hedge clippings. Great fun on that last part. That's where the muscle soreness comes from. Ick! But, it's done and the hedges are so much better now! Though, the sense of privacy in the backyard is diminished greatly. It's a trade-off though, next time around, the trimming will be much easier. It had gone without for much too long. Doug Ellis is a god send!

So today will include some packing, laundry, and a drive to a track clinic. I'll get to see some great people and come home to Summerfest in Stayton and a going away party. I hope I can walk the street for Summerfest before I head to the party. I always love it and I'm glad it's before I leave this year. I hope Eric will come with me too!

On a side note, I'll be looking for a new uploading device so I can put some more pictures on here because I can't seem to find the one I had. Maybe during the cleaning today I'll discover it and more pictures will surface!

Off to destroy day 8 and counting.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Each day brings with it new things to add to the list. One that has been forgotten and put on the back burner is the trip over to WOU for Eric. He's going back into school so that he can finish up his degree. This is a big reason why it's easy for me to go to Alaska for a few years. We know he's got a few of them to go and that I can be busy there while he is busy here and then we'll be able to decide what to do from there on out.

Today is a visit day for him. We are going to see an advisor to figure out just what he needs to accomplish and in what order and how long we can expect these things to take him. 1:45 today should be a very informative time. I think we are going to head over a bit early in hopes of catching a nice lunch at the ever infamous Yang's!

Aside from that, not much is on the list today. I think it will be a good day to come home and work on the guest room for Colby and pack a little bit. Knowing what I can wear for the next few days will help in getting everything else clean and ready for Alaska suitcases and bags. One more box just might go in the mail. We'll have to see about that because the boots I bought in Boise are awful big and will take up a lot of space. Good thing they aren't so heavy, maybe they'll go in the bag with the gun and heavy ammo. Only time will tell.

For now though, a trip to WOU and some packing and cleaning will expend the time for this day. So long, I have much to do!

9 days and counting.............

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why are you awake?

This was the question posed to me by my husband as he left for work this morning. After our long drive home from visiting family and friends for a couple of days near Boise, ID we were both very tired. I was awake because his alarm went off.

He got up and ready for work. I tried to roll over and go back to bed but in 10 short days, I'll be on a plane. Away from everyone for 4 1/2 months. 10 days?! That's a countdown! Like, a real official countdown. I have SO MUCH to do in 10 days including:

Finish packing suitcases, duffels and maybe one more box to ship if it doesn't all fit.
Get a room ready for a long term guest.
Present at a track clinic in Seaside.
Drive my Jeep as much as possible!
Mow the yards.
Spend time with hubby and family.
Spend time with friends (Charlene must be going NUTS!)
Keep the house clean.
Laundry (making sure I keep what I am packing clean and ready to go while still living)
Suspend insurance for the Jeep and for me while I am away.
Make shopping lists for Anchorage.
Make a photo CD and get it in the mail.
Show off my new shoes while driving the Jeep some more!
Cuddle with puppies.
Going away party.

Why am I awake? Because this list, along with so many other thoughts and ideas run through my head like a freight train. I don't have the ability to sleep once semi-concious. It's just not possible.

Not that you hadn't guessed it already.........10 days and counting.....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The long (short) haul

We do things in life that are for the long term. We do things in life that are for the short term. How do we make something that is long term fit into a short term category? You don't. When you have to do, you just cram it all in and hope enough of it packs into that little container that what squeezes out wasn't the part you loved most.

My husband, a long haul. After seven years of no formal pictures, I insisted that we get some taken. We now have some that make me smile when I look at them and will keep me sane while I'm away. People ask how we are going to do it, living apart for a school year. I tell them I'll be home in 4.5 months and then again during the summer. I tell them to ask someone who's been in the military about how they handle being apart because I'm sure it's much the same manner. I just know people won't intentionally be shooting my direction. (well, I hope not anyhow....otherwise I have problems!) Anyhow, spending as much time with the hubby now as possible is like trying to cram a lifetime into a small amount of time that we have left.

Family. They are a long haul too. You can't get rid of them. Sometimes we want to when they embarrass us. We have all had those moments. You know you are all smiling right now thinking of something that crazy aunt or uncle, cousin or parent has done that made you want to crawl under a rock and hide did. However, we love them all the same. Right now, I'm cramming all I can in and drinking in what I can of my family. (except for this little bit of time writing. OPPS!) Big bonus right now, I get to cram in some Sweden Family time too as they happen to be here when I am here. YEAH!

Friends. Many friends can come and go from our lives. Some are there for specific points to get us through certain phases in life. The friends I am talking about are those that have been there for life. Getting to hug those friends one last time before I leave means the world. It's those friends who you can talk to them and their families for 10 minutes and that's all that's needed that I'm talking about. Nothing's awkward, not really too rushed but friendship is renewed in an instant thought it might have been several months or even a year since you saw them last. It's all that's needed so that both feel better and can continue to move along with life.

The short haul, trip home, a track clinic presentation for a respected coach, and a bit more packing. Oh, and maybe some geocaching!

13 days........

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I think there is a lot on my mind

So I woke up today bright and early. Thank goodness I was not screaming because I might have scared the husband. It would have been appropriate to scream however.

In my dream, I was in a huge airbus. Not a 747, not a little bush plane ( I am actually really excited for that one!) I had been sitting way in the back and the flight attendant asked if I would like a better seat (ya right!) because there were loads kids around me. Well of course (first class here I come!) no, she takes me near the exit row where the seats have 5 point harnesses and your feet dangle like a roller coaster. What? I was expecting luxury! This looked to be worse.

As I looked at her in disbelief the captain came over the intercom and said they were experiencing some engine trouble. Great, we are over water. Well, I was at the exit row, where is the parachute and how fast can I get that door open? I am not going down with the plane! I had not even been there long enough to read the pocket card!

I guess the stress of a big move is starting to get to my poor brain. I told Mom this story and she said I might have tomstart drinking before bed. Uh, I'm not so sure that would help the dreams.

16 days and counting.......

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And on the 17th day, it happened.

I cried.

In bed.

Holding my puppy while my husband slept next to me. Both of which I will say goodbye to for 4 1/2 months. (Along with my other dogs and family too.)

Reality sinks in hard and fast.

It's not that I'm not excited to go, looking forward to teaching and experiencing something new but 1500 miles from everyone? I know I can do it but what was I thinking?

17 days and counting.......

Monday, July 18, 2011

What could possibly happen?

The past few days, each day something has happened that we might not have expected when walking out the door to start the day. I guess that is what makes life interesting and exciting at times. You never know how your day is going to turn out and that is what has happened to me (and those around me) recently.

Let's just start with Mom's stress test day. Shouldn't be a big issue, just run into town, wait around while she does her test and then head home. I didn't plan on spending so much money on some AWESOME boots for Alaska. They were there though and they ROCK! I had on a pair of Uggs at the same store but I didn't think they would be a practical choice. So I went with the Bogs that are good to -40°F and completely waterproof. The funny thing that happened that day though was on the way into town. I don't think we could have planned to see a full-sized Elmo on the side of the road. A daycare was painting and the art fair was going on at the same time so I guess it worked.

So the next thing we really didn't expect to see, flashing lights. This was a few days later in a different area and again I was riding shotgun, apparently I am now forever banned from riding in the car. The last two times she's gotten a ticket, I've been with her. The officer really was short and to the point. He had a great hiding spot and as we crested the hill, Mom just pulled over. Darn it.

The last thing that happened that we don't really expect happened when Charlene and I went out to a friend's 30th birthday party up on Detroit Lake. We enjoyed ourselves, I loved being out by a campfire and having a BBQ. It was actually refreshing and relaxing. A good get-a-way from the preparations of packing and shipping. So what is it that was so unexpected? Just before we leave to get out the gates before they close them at 10pm, a quick restroom stop turns into a fall for me. I head down a little pathway that has been packed by many feet and slicked wet by the rain. I had gone up this earlier in the day and there were no problems. Let me tell you, going down was a whole different story.

One little slip and my feet are in the air, my back is on the ground and the wind is gone from my lungs. A brief come-to and I hear people at the camp site: "Oh, someone just ate s**t!" Ya, that would be me. I reply with; "It's Dorothy, I'm ok." As I roll over Charlene makes sure I'm ok and I say I am but I'm really not sure. That night was ok, the next day (yesterday) was not so great. My entire back was tight and sore and I definitely paid the price for a stupid choice. Today is much better and I think I'll be able to get something accomplished today!

Let's keep our fingers crossed!

18 days until lift-off.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Practice makes perfect (kinda)

Practice with the tool that could save your life is essential. This is the tool that has been chosen and each time I go out with it, I get better. Soon, I might even video, or take a picture of, the target when I get a good one!

My Uncle is lending me this gun so that I can potentially save my life should the need arise. We are all hoping that I return with all 50 "bear load" bullets at the end of the school year. Quite frankly, that's my goal too! For now though, I am enjoying learning the ends and outs of shooting a handgun and quite honestly, when I was at the store today I was looking to see what it is going to cost to buy one of my own. Ya, you could say that speaking softly and carrying a big stick just won't cut it. It might need to be a nice gun now.

Anyhow, the video is here. Enjoy and please post any questions or comments below!

Oh and the ever important.....23 days and counting.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just Us

It's been 7 years. July 10th was 7 years that we were married on a quaint covered bridge here in town. I don't know that we thought that our roads would lead us where they have. The twists and the turns have been challenging, trying, engaging and joyful. We've stuck together through thick and thin, ups and downs and through sickness and health. I guess we've really done what we said we would that fantastic day and it's only made us stronger. My one regret; we don't take time for us as often as we should.

That's what we did these past few days.

After our garage sale ended on Saturday we came inside, rested a bit and got ready to leave the next morning for our 3 days at the coast. After a good night's rest, we were off for our home for the next couple of nights and got ready for some time together. It was kind of weird to just be together, no dogs, nothing planned and no real "responsibilities" for a few days. We got to be just us and do whatever we wanted to do and enjoy each other.

The walks on the beach looking for agates were peaceful. It didn't matter how much time we took because we didn't have anywhere to be. We found a good amount and enjoyed showing off our finds. Fossils in the rocks were awesome to see. Who knows how long they have been there and they still look like they were freshly pressed!

Dinners alone while watching wales spout and crest from the ocean-side restaurant were great. We were treated nicely and the food was good. Others near us would hear us "oh look, there it is!" and ask where the whale was showing up at. It was cool to have the others watching with us. That same whale (or whales) was around for the entire dinner.

We found some nice new places to eat at the coast as well. Being more adventurous had it's advantages as we were lucky in our choices. A nice place in Depoe Bay yielded some great gluten free chowder for Eric. It was very rich and I was regretting my choice of a bowl because I was hungry because a cup would have been just great.

A few interesting points about the weekend; Alaska slapped me in the face wherever I went. We went to the antique shops there by the streetcar between Lincoln City and Depoe Bay. Alaska glasses and Alaska blankets. The next day, we were walking in Newport and the person in front of us had an Alaska sweatshirt on. Today while shopping at the outlet store for (wait for it....clothes for Alaska), there were blankets at the Pendleton store with Alaska style icons on them. Really? Slap, slap, slap.

One of the coolest things that happened this weekend was the experience we had when we were walking along the beach and got to watch the pelicans, seagulls and seals feeding just off the shore. They were honestly about 25-30 feet away from us just feasting! We watched as they moved from one end of the shore right past us and moved on as the school of fished moved along as well.

Coming home was wonderful. While we enjoyed the time spent alone together we missed our "babies" and they missed us too. The dogs were all too happy to see us and when we went back out to the car to get our bags you heard the howls of dis-approvement and protest. I think they were happy when we came right back in. We will also be happy to enjoy our tempurpedic bed tonight. I think we'll have to start the Harry Potter marathon in preparation for Thursday's Midnight Showing! We are both so excited!

And now for a bit of reality....24 days.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sittin in the sun & the shade

I sit outside, the birds chirp, a slight breeze comes by to cool my face and the sandal lines on my feet get even worse. They are very evident now, I think I might have sandals on even when my feet are bare. Secretly I was hoping that my feet were a little dirty last night when I took my sandals off, they weren't, it was all sun tan lines.

I'm at it again today too. I've been outside since 7am. Checking on signs, parking cars with signs in just the right places and ensuring that the masses will come. Come and spend money. Money on the things we want to leave our house. Yes, it's garage sale time. We wanted to trim some of the "fat" in the house before I left for Alaska and we've done a great job of selling. Yesterday we were slammed! Today is a bit slower but people are still showing up. We've made room in the garage for my Jeep. She'll sit in there until I come home in the winter time. It's been a great sale so far and we have accomplished much of what we wanted to. That is, we've raised enough money to pay for our anniversary trip to the coast.

Let's hope that the coast has some more sun for us to enjoy. These last few weeks before I leave should be nice weather. It will be the last bit of really nice sunshine before I leave for the great north and a ton of rain. Time passes so quickly now, I hope I can accomplish what I want in the short time that is left.

27 days......

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day

The familiarity of the 4th of July in a small town is something to be treasured. While the tried and true traditions of a parade with some of the same floats every year graced the streets of Stayton, some new experiences were had as well. (The vehicle to the left is driven by a former teacher, former mayor of the town and a past Track and field coach and a past Assistant coach of mine when I was the Track coach at the local high school)

It's amazing to me that I'm already having problems remembering what all was done just a day ago. So much is running through my head that having this camera on hand to take pictures of my day is helping a lot! Much of the day was spent making sure that the trunk was really ready to go for the post office. Then was unpacked a little bit when Patch (my godson) brought home a fish for me to fillet so he could try his catch of the day.

After that, I headed out to the parade route so I could set up the canopy so we'd have some shade. As we waited for the parade to start, all of my family and much of my sister's in-law's showed up for the day and excitement grew for the throwing of the candy. Surprise for this year was is that we were throwing it at (I mean to) the floats in addition to the other way around! We waited and really threw it people from town that we knew. It was fun and many of the kids on the floats really enjoyed getting candy rather than giving it away.

I enjoyed watching the debut of the Break the Chain Monster Truck! I'm very proud of Tami and everyone who has worked so hard to make it a reality. I also enjoyed seeing the students from the high school
FFA club being pulled by a tractor and for the first time in a very long time this 30 year old kid stood in front of the

Fire Dept. water truck and got soaked!

A nice break in the day away from the sun was had as I came home and took a snooze. Our poor husky, Ryan, was already getting riled up

by them and joined me on the bed. He is NOT allowed up there and I didn't think he could make it up there honestly. He proved me wrong though and I allowed it because he was so upset. He made it through the night ok with the help of some calming medicine, a loud radio and the comfort of his crate.

The evening concluded with a wonderful golf cart ride with Eric's younger brother, Colby. He took his girlfriend and Eric and I out to a spot on the course where we were the only ones there to view the fireworks. It was FANTASTIC and nice and quiet. No one else around and no lights to get in the way of viewing. We should have thought about one aspect though. The golf carts don't have lights and when the fireworks are done, we had to drive back in the dark. It wasn't that easy but I did have the iPad to help out a little bit thanks to a flashlight app.

Today was a productive day. We got even more ready for the garage sale that is happening on Friday and Saturday. I got the first two packages mailed off. Really, it's a trunk and a commercial grade tote. They are both headed off to Egegik, Alaska now. Everything got a little more real while loading them in the car and actually handing them over not to be seen again for a month. Oh ya, that leads me to this last part...

31 days...... Ya, that's one month from today.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Busy Busy

For having "almost no plans" this holiday weekend is turning out to be pretty busy for me. I now have a few minutes to hop on here while I sit in the darkness of our front room with my husband as we are both exhausted from a long day.

Yesterday was another day to practice shooting. Eric went out with me and we had a good day. The view from the hilltop was fantastic and the weather didn't get too hot until we were about to leave. While Eric didn't like my idea of a great view, from the cliff, he still walked down the pathway a bit with me to snap a picture but made a hasty retreat.

Going out early was a good idea, it also gave us the rest of the day. Eric had fun shooting his guns and then learned what I'm shooting. I really enjoyed our time together and I must admit, tossing him around a little bit in the jeep was kinda fun! (Sorry about that one bump hun!) Next weekend will be busy all the same but I need to get out and go shooting for practice, I'm thinking Saturday night after the garage sale is over.

Last night was fantastic! My friend Charlene and I took our yearly trip up to the side of the road next to Detroit Lake to watch the fireworks. We get the same spot every year and know that we have to be there very early. This year I think we drove in at 7pm, 3 hours before the fireworks started. After taking out the chairs, drinkables and our dinner, we settled into the few games of Rummikub. Upon finishing that, my iPad was stolen from me as she discovered a new game. It's ok though, I went and took some fantastic photos of Mt. Jefferson and set up the equipment for some firework photography. We enjoyed the shortest fireworks to date and then beat feet home. Below are some photos from our evening.

Today was a bit busy as well. I know I'll miss days like this where I can just go about the canyon whenever I want and see people in my life I know I will miss. I got to hang out with Jenn and her son Zane when we went out fishing. Her daughter, Jax, stayed at home today with Grandma so it was just the 4 of us.

I caught my first frog ever today. We put him in this container so we could get a good look at him. Then not long after, Jenn decided he needed something to eat and hop, hop, hop. He was gone never to be caught again. It was ok though, that was his home. He was a big guy though and I didn't want to touch fact having him in the net was close enough. I think I already feel a wart coming on!

Zane was bent on catching frogs today and was intense in his quest for the 4 legged creatures. His determination wasn't rewarded very well today but his enthusiasm was fantastic! He did enjoy some fishing but I think Eric was the only one today with much luck in that department.

While I did not fish, I enjoyed the day and even got this pretty enjoyable picture of some flower coming up. I guess I need to research that because this one might just get blown up and framed. I really like it.

And now for the scary part....

July 3rd, 33 days......

Friday, July 1, 2011

First Trunk Packed

Oh goodness. I know today was day 1 that I could start sending stuff out. If I sent it out today, it might get to Salem by tomorrow and then sit over the long holiday weekend. So, no big deal, it didn't get to the post office today. I had some other pressing issues to take care of.

Price adjustments at Kohl's, done. Check out a new lens for my camera, done. (No, I didn't buy one but we thought about it) See's candies, check! Ok, so maybe that last one wasn't a pressing issue but it was right there and I know I won't get fresh See's when I'm in Alaska, why not indulge a little now?

Upon returning home, I had a little bit of time left before going and seeing a movie with Mom, my aunt and cousin along with my hubby. The hometown theater was nice and cool today and was a good break from the warm weather. Don't get me wrong, I love the warm weather as does my jeep!

When I came home, it was time to pack at least one bag. After going through a TON of things upstairs this morning I was ready to have at least one package ready to go. Something accomplished and finished was what I was going for. Well, mission accomplished.

The trunk is cool, I can't wait to have it there for a piece of furniture. I still can't believe it's 10lbs. under the weight limit, it's so heavy! A big thanks goes out to those in Egegik who will be handling this beast!

35 days.....