Monday, August 1, 2011

A day of rest? Hardly.

Sunday, a day of rest.  Ya right!  Not when you are moving to Alaska!  I had a ton to accomplish yesterday and when the day started I wasn't sure how much I would get done.  Laundry waited for me downstairs and with me away in Seaside, I brought home more.  I have to get everything I want to take with me clean so I can pack it.  I have to get our extra bedroom clean so that it can be used again and the house needs to be nice and tidy too for all the last minute visitors.  PLUS, I know I need to make contact with a dear friend and see how she is doing with her pregnancy.  

Time runs short very quickly.  As I looked back on the blog, just a few short posts ago I was seeing pictures of my soon to be apartment and it was 48 days!  That's over a month to go, now, 5 days nearing in on 4?  No way!  Where did all that time go?

What did I get done today, how did I really spend my last "day of rest?" Not resting that's for sure!  I did get many things done today and I feel a lot more prepared for a large move than I did at the beginning of yesterday.  I got in touch with my not anymore pregnant friend.  Her son is doing well.  While is is very early, he is breathing on his own and he looks good.  Plus he's just cute as a button!  *Sorry, no pictures because I don't even see one on Momma's Facebook page yet!

I found my picture transfer device!  It had fallen and then creeped under a table.  Now I have some pictures to sort on the computer and then add to blog posts.  (let's add more things to the list of to-do's!)  Thankful though that the dogs did not eat it!

Laundry was going great until the dryer lint trap was caught  in the spin by an errant string and then it melted and warped and clothes didn't dry and then the door popped open I guess.  GREAT.  Now let's try to get that fixed before I leave too.  (I'm just glad it's not a hot water heater exploding, things could be worse!)  I do have to have my clothes clean and dry to pack though!

I spent the evening resting and will be back at it today.  A dinner with a good friend is scheduled for tonight and we'll see what else comes of today.  You just never know!

4 days.......

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