Sunday, July 24, 2011

The long (short) haul

We do things in life that are for the long term. We do things in life that are for the short term. How do we make something that is long term fit into a short term category? You don't. When you have to do, you just cram it all in and hope enough of it packs into that little container that what squeezes out wasn't the part you loved most.

My husband, a long haul. After seven years of no formal pictures, I insisted that we get some taken. We now have some that make me smile when I look at them and will keep me sane while I'm away. People ask how we are going to do it, living apart for a school year. I tell them I'll be home in 4.5 months and then again during the summer. I tell them to ask someone who's been in the military about how they handle being apart because I'm sure it's much the same manner. I just know people won't intentionally be shooting my direction. (well, I hope not anyhow....otherwise I have problems!) Anyhow, spending as much time with the hubby now as possible is like trying to cram a lifetime into a small amount of time that we have left.

Family. They are a long haul too. You can't get rid of them. Sometimes we want to when they embarrass us. We have all had those moments. You know you are all smiling right now thinking of something that crazy aunt or uncle, cousin or parent has done that made you want to crawl under a rock and hide did. However, we love them all the same. Right now, I'm cramming all I can in and drinking in what I can of my family. (except for this little bit of time writing. OPPS!) Big bonus right now, I get to cram in some Sweden Family time too as they happen to be here when I am here. YEAH!

Friends. Many friends can come and go from our lives. Some are there for specific points to get us through certain phases in life. The friends I am talking about are those that have been there for life. Getting to hug those friends one last time before I leave means the world. It's those friends who you can talk to them and their families for 10 minutes and that's all that's needed that I'm talking about. Nothing's awkward, not really too rushed but friendship is renewed in an instant thought it might have been several months or even a year since you saw them last. It's all that's needed so that both feel better and can continue to move along with life.

The short haul, trip home, a track clinic presentation for a respected coach, and a bit more packing. Oh, and maybe some geocaching!

13 days........

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos - I can't believe you are going away so soon!
