Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gluten-Free Hubby Pt.1

Ah, the things we forget when we don't have them in our face.... a few nights ago, I asked my Gluten-Free husband if he liked banana bread. (in all seriousness)
His reply: "Really?"
me: "Ya really."
him: "Really? Seriously?"
me: "Oh, (giggle) crap! I totally forgot."
him: "I USED to like banana bread but I can't have it anymore."

I had packed a loaf of it in a box I sent home and I couldn't remember if he liked it or if it was his little brother that did.  Man did I feel like a heel!

Well, now that I am much better at making bread and feel as though I might have some success with a Gluten-Free type when I get home, I know I have a project in store for me.  I think I owe him at least that much for getting his hopes up.

*Oh, and those that got to munch on the bread that I included in the box I sent home said it was good.  Hooray for my first loaf of it ever!

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