Tuesday, December 6, 2011

FIrst came wind, then came snow

A nice big storm rolls into town without much warning.  It wasn't the storm that Nome got, not even close to that but the winds that we got caused a bit of a stir around here.  They say they only get worse as the winter progresses on but if it's going to do some damage, I figure that's enough for me.  

I didn't think to check the weather site to see just how hard the wind was gusting, I'll have to do that next time around.  I think I was too busy swaying with my end of the building, wondering if the Wicked Witch was going to come anytime soon to come and "get my little dog too" to worry about that honestly.    Holding on through the night, bashing and crashing was all I heard.  Metal on metal, screeching and grinding and the occasional bang.  I figured it was the storage doors whacking against the building with the gusts.  It wasn't.  When daylight broke, we found that a piece of the roof had been torn from the screws that held it in place.  Not just nails, screws!  As each pulled out, the metal had beat against the building and roof right over my bed.  No wonder it was a long, sleepless night!  The rest of the village woke to check their houses, see if things were where they had left them and look for missing pieces of metal.  Not much was heard of much damage so it wasn't too bad of a storm.  Tossed about around the school property were some bits of plastic and other odd things, I think I saw a rogue tote across the road in the bushes too.

The biggest part of the wind storm was when I looked out the other side of my apartment and saw something sitting a little off kilter.  Opps!  Just the day before it was upright.  Had to have been the wind that knocked it off it's blocks.  I knew I heard something in the middle of the night!  That big 55 gal. drum is crushed like a pop can!  I sure hope the owner has a good idea for how to deal with that later on.  I'm sure they do, it's probably something that's happened before out here.

Once the wind died down and we had a little bit of time to recoup, we got some snow!  Pretty, beautiful, quiet snow.  The world just dies right on down and is super quiet when it's covered in a nice blanket of the white stuff!  We got about 2 inches that morning and I couldn't have been happier!  Fresh tracks signal that a passerby or two have been out in the morning but all else is quiet.  I am guessing it might be someone's brother out to have a cup of morning coffee!

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