Sunday, May 22, 2011

So much information...

Information pours into my district email account. Paperwork to fill out, forms to mail back and reminders to get your Alaska teaching license started. All the forms are filled out with the exception of a little bit of info. They will be mailed by the end of this week, way sooner than needed and my passport should be here shortly. While it's not an absolute necessity I found that many of the boats up there won't let you on even if you are going from US to US because you travel through international waters. Plus, just think, if a tsunami comes I want to be able to get on any flight I can and go wherever, even if it's not the US. Let other's have that chance. I can fly to a cool foreign country instead!

In the paperwork was some more information about what to bring, what to ship and when I can start shipping things to my new place. July 1 the first box will go out, well maybe July 5th because not much will happen until then anyhow due to the holiday. Maybe all my stuff will get there before me and I won't have to worry about it. That way I can just pack my gun(s) and then buy a cooler for my perishables for the nice small plane rides to my new home.

I'm still excited but I must say that some nights I wake up thinking of things that I come to the computer and type up so I don't forget. My swinging door in the house has become a message center for things I don't want to forget as my brain begins to fill up. I hope that when school is over this term much of the brain space taken by those deadlines will open up for Alaska space. For now, the post-its and taped up graduation reminders and odd notes will just have to suffice.

75 Days and counting....

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