Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The endless questions...from others

I love that others are interested in my journey that lie ahead. I enjoy the happy look in their face when I tell them I got another teaching job and I especially enjoy watching them process when I tell them it's in Alaska.

The round of questioning begins and for every person that asks how I've been and I tell them what's about to happen, I get to answer the same basic questions. I know it's new and different for every person but it begins to get pretty repetitive for me. I feel like I might be unfair to some people in answering questions as I might forget what people I've told what answers to. Maybe I should make up some business cards to hand out with this blog site on them so they can follow along? Just pass them out.

I continue to get emails with new information on what I should bring, timelines, etc. and try to balance getting ready for Alaska with finishing my Masters program. Thank goodness the latter is almost done! I worry that once that is done, Alaska will become all consuming and I might forget to have a little fun this summer.

66 days...

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