Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Each day brings with it new things to add to the list. One that has been forgotten and put on the back burner is the trip over to WOU for Eric. He's going back into school so that he can finish up his degree. This is a big reason why it's easy for me to go to Alaska for a few years. We know he's got a few of them to go and that I can be busy there while he is busy here and then we'll be able to decide what to do from there on out.

Today is a visit day for him. We are going to see an advisor to figure out just what he needs to accomplish and in what order and how long we can expect these things to take him. 1:45 today should be a very informative time. I think we are going to head over a bit early in hopes of catching a nice lunch at the ever infamous Yang's!

Aside from that, not much is on the list today. I think it will be a good day to come home and work on the guest room for Colby and pack a little bit. Knowing what I can wear for the next few days will help in getting everything else clean and ready for Alaska suitcases and bags. One more box just might go in the mail. We'll have to see about that because the boots I bought in Boise are awful big and will take up a lot of space. Good thing they aren't so heavy, maybe they'll go in the bag with the gun and heavy ammo. Only time will tell.

For now though, a trip to WOU and some packing and cleaning will expend the time for this day. So long, I have much to do!

9 days and counting.............

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