Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Days to go

Well, the 6th day to go was so busy I didn't even have a moment to get on but I did see many of you in the evening for a "going away" party. It was a GREAT cover for the surprise birthday party for Eric. I thank all of you who made it possible. It was great to see everyone and the dual party was a success!

I finished the track clinic and visit in Seaside. Now to update the website for that! I think sometimes I put too much on my plate but it was nice to get away from home for a few more days and do something I love. Good news, my arms didn't hurt from throwing as much as I thought they were going to. The kids seemed to like the physio ball exercises I showed them at the end of day 2 and it was fun to watch them try some of them out. I remember feeling so silly and had to remind them that I made it look easy. Now, to remember to pack mind for Alaska!

Preperations for the party when I got home were in full swing and the next few hours were filled with moving and setting up all while ensuring that Eric didn't stop by Mom's. Meet me here, "Oh I got home a bit early and got what you were supposed to," "are you ready for summerfest?" It was fun to poke and prod him in the right directions and have it work. I'm not sure that I've ever really had something work like this and it's in huge part to everyone working together!

I got my free snow cone at Summerfest, saw the new "Monster" and walked with Jenn and Kathy. We came home and got ready to party.

Upon walking in, Eric was shocked to hear "Happy Birthday!" and he stood and you could see that his brain was working overtime trying to figure out what had just happened. That's when you know he was had. We had fun, a slip and slide was installed and the kids LOVED it! Word on the street is that some of the big kids took a turn too. (Ya, that's me on the left and my sister on the right) It was great to see everyone that showed up, catch up with a few people that I hadn't seen in awhile and feel the support and love from friends and family as we make a big life change here at home. Clementine Baseball was awesome! (though I doubt we'll ever get to play it again!)

I must have to say that it was a great day yesterday. A track clinic, a drive in my Jeep, Summerfest, and a wonderful party with friends and family that support us. Who would ask for more? Thank you all.

5 days and counting.....

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