A flight out of the village was a treat today. Sitting co-pilot allowed me a great view of the village that I have now explored from the ground. Seeing It from above really helped me get a new perspective on the place I have called home lately. The river seems to go on for miles, it would have been cool to see the whales from above!
I told the pilot before we took off that I was an excitable crier. Every little plane flight before this one I have had tears because it is so exciting for me. Not today. He turned to me as we flew over a large lake and mimicked "no tears?". I said no but I am still happy. His response was a hand motion for "wanna do a barrel roll?". Uh. No thanks! He said no to that too but he was just checking. I hand signed that waving back and forth dipping each wing alternatively would be fun and it was like "Flight of the Navigator". "Compliance!" One wing then the other, back and forth.....so much fun! It was just a couple of swoops and he checked the back seat to see how those people were doing. Not as good as me!
As the flight came to an end we came upon some mountains that we had to fly through and around. A windy day proved that to be a bit of a challenge as it pushed the plane to the side a bit, allowed it to drop a little and then back up it went. It was so much fun, the movements were like the best Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, just in the air. Giggling all the way, I had the pilot in smiles as we headed to the runway. The only time I was a little nervous was then I watched his practiced hands moving feverioushly as we were tossed in the wind as we were trying to touch down.
As you can tell, it all went well. I'm here to tell the tale. A take-off awaits on Friday after this XC meet and I hope to have more stories for you then. I know I will add some pictures later.
Written on my iPad2.
We are just down the river from Nondalton and our kids couldn't fly out until 1:45 pm. Keep us posted on how the xc goes!