Sunday, September 18, 2011

Creating the web

The integration of technology into a bush education classroom isn't always the easiest thing to do.  With so many levels and standards to ensure the kids are able to achieve during their time at school, despair sometimes sets in when there are so many cool things to show them and not enough time in the day.

As a teacher of everything, the first few (I was going to say days but that doesn't even come close!) weeks are completely overwhelming.  Trying to learn the standards, understand where all the kids are at and then plan for the year with so many different levels with all the different kids in class could simply break you if you choose to let it.  The trick is to find the balance between planning and sanity while learning how to live in a completely new place.

Yes, there is a technology standard in there but honestly it's not one that can't be reached simply by doing a few projects during the school year.  I want to go above that though.  My kids will be ready for living a technology life and ready for online classes when I get done with them.  Knowing how to correctly access information online, what creative commons means and how to respond well to forum posts are crucial in college classes.  They will be in my class too!

What did I decide to do then?  Create a website for my class of course.  Which to use though?  I created one for my husband last year to use with his art class.  It has it's good parts and it's downfalls.  I know how it works and he's had great success with it but I wanted to try something new.  It's almost like having two classrooms to try things in.  A valuable thing when dealing with different forms of technology because the kids aren't being tossed from one kind to another.  My husband's classroom uses wikispaces of which we are both admins on.  As he starts to learn how to utilize it more and more, I grow more proud of his integration in his Art class.  The kids seem to really like it and the site has worked well for him.  It has allowed the both of us to grow as he becomes more comfortable with the technology and I begin to learn some HTML for things he wants to do that are not just text and an uploaded picture file.

I've decided to use Weebly for my classroom.  It has an education feature that gives educators greater tools than the average free user.  It's a drop and drag creation tool that is customizable.  I really like the assignment submission tool because it eliminates the need for so much paperwork in the classroom.  It does have a place for student sites that I will begin to use next that will allow for each of them to create sort of a digital portfolio.  This is the next step in my learning as I utilize the website to it's fullest potential.  Right now I'm focusing on making sure the student's assignments are on the different tabs for each week.  Keeping up with this will not only keep me in order but will allow them to keep up with their classes.

For now, I must say goodnight as I have a website to update.  If you are so curious to see what my students are up to and what the site looks like right now, please note that it's a work in progress and is only a week old.  The link is to the right of the blog and is named Egegik Bears School.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Out of the village

A flight out of the village was a treat today. Sitting co-pilot allowed me a great view of the village that I have now explored from the ground. Seeing It from above really helped me get a new perspective on the place I have called home lately. The river seems to go on for miles, it would have been cool to see the whales from above!

I told the pilot before we took off that I was an excitable crier. Every little plane flight before this one I have had tears because it is so exciting for me. Not today. He turned to me as we flew over a large lake and mimicked "no tears?". I said no but I am still happy. His response was a hand motion for "wanna do a barrel roll?". Uh. No thanks! He said no to that too but he was just checking. I hand signed that waving back and forth dipping each wing alternatively would be fun and it was like "Flight of the Navigator". "Compliance!" One wing then the other, back and much fun! It was just a couple of swoops and he checked the back seat to see how those people were doing. Not as good as me!

As the flight came to an end we came upon some mountains that we had to fly through and around. A windy day proved that to be a bit of a challenge as it pushed the plane to the side a bit, allowed it to drop a little and then back up it went. It was so much fun, the movements were like the best Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, just in the air. Giggling all the way, I had the pilot in smiles as we headed to the runway. The only time I was a little nervous was then I watched his practiced hands moving feverioushly as we were tossed in the wind as we were trying to touch down.

As you can tell, it all went well. I'm here to tell the tale. A take-off awaits on Friday after this XC meet and I hope to have more stories for you then. I know I will add some pictures later.

Written on my iPad2.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's a Zoo here!

Life here is lonely without my "babies."  You know, those four legged ones that we consider our kids.  Fortunately for me, there is quite the array of animals to keep me company during my time here.  An introduction to those I have met so far:

Bo, the pregnant goat.  She should kid soon.  Expecting twins maybe triplets  She's not big enough yet.

Top to bottom: Dreidel, Buck, Syphrya  Digging in the tundra after rodents long gone.  They rip apart the tundra and then dig deep.  All three are girls despite the names. D has a party eye and S has bi-eyes.

One of the student's two black lab X's.  They hung out at the school all day sunning themselves.  

Nice old gal.  Those eyes are so sweet.

Daddy suspect.

Looks like a lighter Ciqu with a few more muscles.

Where's my dinner?

Neighbors sled dog that just had puppies.  5 of them there trying to suckle. Just born

Momma getting ready to eat

2 Weeks old

Just got done giving me kisses

Ok, so far that's the animals I've gotten to enjoy & gotten pictures of.

Being a kid

One can say that children grow up and get too old for things but we all know that this can possibly be true. After all, Disney is still fun for adults too right?  I see the light in my student's eyes and it warms my heart.  They have much to learn and enjoy the play while learning.  Each time I see the light bulb moment it's heartwarming.  Each time I see the innocent play, it makes you think that all in the world could be right if we all chose to make it a good place to live.

Just swinging away.  Such a nice day we had to be outside for a few.

Bet you can't climb up the pole!

We have been working on genetics, Punnett squares and DNA in Science.  Making some DNA keychains in class on Friday the kids learned about phosphate and sugar and that ATGC are always paired in certain ways.  They got to make up their own genetic code but had to follow the rules.  We then got to twist them to make a double helix.  Following directions creates a pretty cool keychain.

Not following the directions makes a genetic mutant DNA strand.  *The inside and outside there are supposed to be attached.  Someone in class didn't follow directions.  They keychain still looked cool in the end but we found out that it just was a genetic defect and they decided it was Super AIDS.  This resulted in a discussion and some more education.  My ending thought was that they had indeed watched too much South Park.

Have a good one!

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 years...

It's two days away.  I will be alone.  10 years ago a quick phone call to those who meant the world to me was a lifeline and made my world feel safe as I watched in horror with another friend as the East Coast was ravaged.  Sure, I felt pretty safe but it was still scary.

I live now in a place where people seem disconnected from it, there hasn't been one mention.  The adults might have thought about the pipeline but it's far enough away for them to not worry too much, why would they have anything to do with this little village?  The kids are too young to remember what happened that day.  In fact, I have three of my students flying on that day.  It might be an irrational fear but I don't think you could pay me enough to fly on the 11th.  I doubt those kids even blink at the thought.  Is it a curse or a blessing?  For me or for them?

Many said this was going to be our generations Pearl Harbor and they might just be right.  A day forever burned into our memory.  Those closer will have must more stress, trauma and a hard time dealing with it.  Those of us who were further away, it depends on how you took it.  I was glad it wasn't where I was but at the same time I felt terrible for those men, women and children who had to be in the middle of it.  

The children in schools were brave, many turning right into service roles.  We can not forget those who ran into the fire and chaos to save what lives they could forsaking their own.  They do it all the time in every town across the United States.  Pay homage to those who serve by supporting them.  They are there when you need them.  Behind the scenes people dedicate their lives to being 911 call-takers & dispatchers, ambulance drivers right along side those that are what the public sees.  People volunteer time to make food boxes, visit the elderly and help out a neighbor.  If we all tried to do something nice for someone, our communities would be better places.  Honor those who serve; no matter in what station.  

<<Steps down off soapbox>>

Monday, September 5, 2011

The bear....

was alive at one point in it just hangs on a wall and has for awhile.

Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you, the Egegik Bear's gymnasium.

Yep, a good day for me I would say, some great bear photos...

I'll keep you in touch if I get some live bear photos or videos.  For now though, still waiting to see the first live one!

A bear!

Holey cow, I can't believe it, I finally saw a bear!!!!  I didn't freak out and I got a great picture.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, Saturday

Today has been quite the day already.  I've been very busy.  I knew that I had a game I wanted to watch later in the day so I had to have my chores done.  A load of laundry, cleaning dishes, making bread and sweeping were all on the list for today.  I was also told that someone was coming today to do some work on the apt. but I have yet to see them.  I'm sure it just got re-scheduled.  Life goes on and I'm ok with that.

So, everything went well except the final step of the bread.  You would think that baking it would be the easiest step.  Last time I was happy that I checked on the loaves early because with the silicone pans they baked much faster.  This time, I took the loaves out too early.  When I cut into one loaf, there was goo in the middle.   RIGHT BACK IN THEY WENT.  I put them back in until the tops were just beyond brown but before black so the middles had time to cook.  It kinda worked so I think that it's a good thing that I don't eat so much bread around here.

It takes up the WHOLE baking pan after shrinking!
This past week the technology integration specialist for the district was here for almost three days and stayed with me.  It gave me someone to cook for.  A couple of nights of some bigger meals and some leftovers for this weekend means not too many dishes this weekend either!  Plus, it was kinda nice to feel like I had a reason to cook a whole roast and bake a whole salmon fillet.  Man, those things are huge!  With the two of us eating,  (one of us eating much more than the other thank goodness he was hungry!) there is still a ton of it left for me to finish!

I've checked on those little puppies that the sled dog had and I've gotten to see that she had 4 boys and 1 girl.  They are all doing well and are a full week old now.  All seem to be doing well and the momma is very protective.  Oh, and like always, they are soooo cute!
A nice quiet sunset
Cross Country is going well, I'm very proud of my little runner that comes every day.  My other runners are in Anchorage right now with their brother and will return in another week.  The runner I have now gives it her all and will improve over the next week.  Our season is really short but I'm excited because on Sept. 14th we'll be going to another school in our district, Nondalton, for the XC meet and other events there.  Yes, we.  I am so excited to be given the opportunity to see another site and be able to support my athletes. I really didn't want to have to send her away after all the coaching and not be able to be there for her on her competition day.  But, I get to go!  More Alaska experiences for me!

I drug the couch over to watch the game on the smartboard
I'm busy getting planned ahead so that stress is less and when it's time for me to go I can go and the sub will be all ready to go.  Right this minute though, besides blogging, what am I doing?  Watching football.  Watching the Ducks.  I feel kinda silly sitting here all alone yelling at the screen but hey, you do what you gotta do right?  I enjoyed my time on the class couch in front of my "big screen."

Oh, just a little side note, this mountain, when I was driving out to the incinerator with the garbage the other day I came up and over the crest and thought to myself, "Where the heck did that come from?!"  I had not seen it before because on cloudy or slightly cloudy days, you don't see it.  I guess it was just the right kind of day.  Funny how something so big just disappears from sight.  Still waiting to find out what it's name is.   Mt. Peulik.  There's now a link on the sidebar to it's website for USGS.

Adios for now.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I wished I knew....or wished I did.

You can prepare and prep so much but you are going to forget something, miss something or just plain ol' drop the ball.

Here's what I have learned.

When sending stuff from home:

1.  Pack some dry laundry detergent, enough for a few loads while you are waiting on all the stuff from Anchorage to get there.  You will want to get some laundry done.

2.  Pack some Dawn, ziplock it too.  Wanting to wash some dishes is a big thing, if you don't have it, using the hand soap that you did remember looks awfully appealing!

3.  Read the bread ingredients.  Read them again.  Make sure you get everything packed.  DOAH!  I wonder if you can make it w/out the shortening??  I'll google it before trying, it's so much work to just "wing it".  Thank goodness a little bit of butter will work, it's a bit drier but it will work in a pinch.

4.  The thought ; "That should be enough padding"  is WRONG.  Put more in for your dishes if you really want the real ones instead of plastic.  You will have broken dishes and it will be disappointing.

5.  When sending stuff from Anchorage:  If it's something more than food, put insurance on it.  Remember what you packed and know how much it costs to replace.  Not knowing what you are sending without insurance gives you no tracking number and no way to know where it is at.  Knowing that food isn't coming isn't as bad as knowing that $500 worth of clothing and supplies all wrapped up in one bag hasn't made it from Anchorage after 3 weeks.  (by the way, it did finally make it but it was SUPER nerve racking)

When in Anchorage...or just Alaska in General:

1. Get some bug spray with DEET in it.  The more the better as long as you're not allergic.  The mosquitos and no-see-um's can be terrible!  I have looked like I have a bad case of acne on my forehead, either that or the chicken pox I can't decide.  They can bite through pants though not as easily.

2.  Get some "Afterbite"  Takes away the itch immediately.  FANTASTIC stuff!

3.  White socks (bugs) SUCK.  Swarms of bugs are amazing and annoying at the same time.  Putting your face into the wind helps keep them away from your face.

In general:

1.  Don't buy a huge cooler.  You can only put 50 lbs. in it for the airline "Pen-Air" and they will charge you for anything over.  Just get the small inexpensive ones or a tote if you know you'll get it to your village quickly or it will be in a freezer storage.  Save yourself the money.

2.  Keep up on any retailers that you order from/ship from.  Wal-mart won't always do the Bush shipping with your credit card even if they take it from you.  I had things arrive COD and I was glad I had cash on me.  I've been dealing with KOHLS about shipments that haven't arrived either but other things that were ordered almost a week an a half later have already arrived (also from Kohl's).

I'm sure I'll come up with more things later but we learn as we go right?